
If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

-Shel Silverstein

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Glittery "Presents"

Baby Man's first Christmas has come and gone. It was spent with family and friends and although he will not remember a thing, it was a wonderful event for me as a new mom. While things ended "glittery" they didn't start that way. I think Baby Man is developing a distate for car travel just like his mom.

Bright and early Saturday morning we load up the car with a 60 pound dog, a trunk full of luggage, gifts, baby gear and dog necessities. We strap ourselves in our little Camery with a happy baby and excited dog in the back seat, mom and dad smiling in the front.

After three days of traveling across the heartland we arrive at my mom's house on the east coast to celebrate Christmas. Dad in the driver's seat barely hanging on to sanity through the pounding headache, mom in the back seat between a cranky-hates-the-carseat baby and a dog having a whimpering-drooling-emotional breakdown. We all had tunnel vision with my mother's drive way as the shining beacon of sanity. As the car doors exploded open dad raced for the quite sanctity of the bathroom, the dog raced around in circles, and I couldn't pass of my grumpy-worn-out baby to Gram fast enough.

The whirlwind that was our arrival calmed down relatively quickly when it sank in to all of us that the torture of the car was finished for now. We put anxious dog in the back yard and she promptly jumped the fence and headed around to the front to be let back in the house. I felt a twinge of guilt in our plan to dump the dog on Gram... but that is another story.

The festivities and crowds descended on Christmas Day. As I've blogged before, Christmas at my mom's house is the most perfect thing/event/place I can imagine. I actually think heaven will feel something like my mom's at Christmas. Christmas morning was filled with things to unwrap and pictures to take of my newly expanded wonderful family.

My sleepy baby man discovered a new favorite thing at Christmas... bows and ribbons... lots of them! Bows and ribbons are shiny, pretty and evidently tasty! For hours that morning baby man had a ribbon in his hand and in his mouth. We thought it was cute how he carried them around, crawling with a ribbon clutched tightly in his fist. We all ate too much and laughed well into the evening and as quickly as it had come, Christmas Day was gone. But the sparkle of the day would live on...

The next day we all laid around napping away the food consumed during the festivities. 

Dad calls out to me that it is my turn to change baby man's diaper. I groaned as I realized that by "my turn" dad ment "poopy". Baby man grinned at me and clapped his hands as if to say, "I've got a surprise for you!" As I pulled the diaper back I discovered the prettiest poop I've ever seen.... it was filled with glitter! Evidently the glitter from the ribbons found their way to making another present special.

Merry Christmas Baby Man!!!
Thanks for the glitter poop!