
If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

-Shel Silverstein

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hair Trauma

Thin hair with a bit of wave can be boring; especially when you have no interest in spending time primping in front of the mirror. So in college I cut it very short, about 3 inches long all around. While I was confident I didn't look like a boy - I didn't look too feminine either. Once my hair grew out again I did long layers and it has been that way for the past 7 years. Boring!

So Love Of My Life gets deployed to the Middle East for three months and I jump at the chance to mess with my hair. All you girls know how guys get about hair; so you know why I waited. My wild hair for a change turns into a bunch of wild hairs. A spiral perm (no matter how big the curls) was a terrible idea. I knew from the moment the rods starting coming out of my hair that I'd made a colossal mistake. Talk about a throw back to the 70s, I looked like a free-love hippy. Part of the choice to perm was that I thought it would be a wash and go type situation. Well after the perm fried my thin hair it was nothing
but curl and frizz.

At least I had the sense to laugh. And laugh I did; all the way home in fact. When I got home I followed my first survival instinct when things go horribly wrong in life - I called my mother. Of course there was no way to describe my new do so I snapped a few pictures and sent them.

Always diplomatic and supportive my mom remarks that "it doesn't look bad". I laugh at her evasion and attempt to get her to say it looks terrible. After prodding I finally got her to say "Well, I wouldn't like it on me." Close enough.

With no remorse and high hopes of restoration of boring hair I washed my hair the very next morning with lots of pulling and brushing. Then I blew it dry using a brush to pull it straight. Surprisingly it worked. My hair was still fried and the perm was tenacious but the next day at work no one noticed anything.

I decide never to tell Love Of My Life about my $80 lapse in judgement. In the end we went to visit my family and I decided to tell him on the way there just in case my mom brought it up. She did; and he still makes fun of me.

Now, four months later my poor hair is still dry and damaged but at least it is growing out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I brught up your hair at Christmas... It was a great story...